So Much Yet to Learn

So Much Yet to Learn

“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to...
The Days of Miracle and Wonder

The Days of Miracle and Wonder

Bible verses for reflection: John 14:8-17 (25-27) I’m no fan of goodbyes. I’m an airport crier. Even when I’m prepared, saying goodbye is incredibly difficult for me. I get attached to people and places and leaving is always hard. So, I’ve often wondered what it was...
A Prayer for Unity

A Prayer for Unity

Bible verses for reflection: John 17:20-26 The entire chapter 17 in the gospel of John is a prayer. The context of this prayer is the last night that Jesus was with his disciples. They were sitting together at table for the Passover meal. Jesus has offered a long...
Apart from Me You Can Do Nothing?

Apart from Me You Can Do Nothing?

Bible verses for reflection: John 15:1-12 Apart from me you can do nothing? Certainly we can do something? Right? Can I not make a good grade or score a goal or close the deal or build a table apart from the God we know in Jesus? If we were speaking solely about the...
As I Have Loved You

As I Have Loved You

Bible verses for reflection: John 13:31-35 As the gospel of John proclaims, Jesus loved his disciples and he loved them to the end. Our text for today comes soon after Jesus has washed the feet of his disciples, setting forever an example before them of self-giving,...